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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/04/2019 in all areas

  1. .........His dream quest continued in the modern world. He became a big game hunter, salmon slayer, and became infatuated with finding himself a sasquatch bride. He frequented an internet forum on Bigfoot and became known as the Huntster. He ended up married to a human female who was more than he could handle. He never did find the sasquatch love of his life, and ended up digging a hole in the Knik Glacier in Alaska, jumping in, and pulling the ice shavings in over himself.
    2 points
  2. I am just wondering who else in the group has a ham radio license, or uses ham radios in their research
    1 point
  3. This comment made me do some research about paleontology and their mistakes. I found this TED talk showing how bad some scientific assumptions have been, very illuminating. For example, he shows how scientists claimed the two dinosaurs below were different species, but they are the same animal. He shows many more examples. Here is the video:
    1 point
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