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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/15/2019 in all areas

  1. Finding Bigfoot aired for 7 seasons with 100 episodes. They deployed very expensive FLIR gear and video camera gear far beyond what individuals can afford. The video cameras were operated by professionals. They successfully photographed zero pictures of BF in spite of multiple teasers during shows that all turned out to be some other animal. I would say that demonstrates some problem with their methodology when individuals such as myself have been successful in less than half that time. Admittedly luck is a big factor but the real problem, given the numbers of individuals they fielded, has to be technique or simply the number of people they had stumbling around in the dark. Here is a good example where I have to agree with Bobo. You cannot chase down a BF in the dark or anytime or place for that matter. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kmzfdjJRotU
    1 point
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