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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/16/2019 in all areas

  1. Found this very interesting video. What do you think? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SKs68qWJzj4&feature=player_embedded
    2 points
  2. I got caught in the same situation. I fired one warning shot, and like the video, it was essentially a wasted round. But I had bailed from my machine and went into the deep snow off to the side. She wasn't after me. She's pissed off at the machine, and she doesn't want to do what I did: bail iff the packed trail into the deep snow. Not all snowmachines have reverse, but most of the newer ones do. I was towing a cargo sled. There was no backing up, and no turning. If the guy in the video did anything wrong, it was pushing her too hard, too soon. But moose are called swamp donkeys for a reason: they're stubborn and ornery. They've been known to attack freight trains to avoid leaving a plowed railroad right-of-way to wade in deep snow. I spent a good part of one snowy winter as a railroad employee just harvesting moose meat for the poor every day. In the winter of 1988-89, the Alaska Railroad killed nearly 700 moose. Automobiles killed another thousand.
    1 point
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