What a great selection of answers. Thank you, everyone!
Yeah, boots on the ground - getting out there with NorthWind and his friend - is truly the best learning curve there is. Nevertheless, it helps to know WHAT you're looking FOR, else you're just wandering in the forest (itself a fine goal, and a favorite).
A next step I'd like to take would be short overnight expeditions with nearby researchers, other folks who regularly get OUT there. Get their views, exchange information. There's two I'd like to talk with and pick their brains, one near Portland and one in NorCal. I'd also love to find something awesome and invite Ciff down to check it out and hear his thoughts (I don't think I made it thru an episode of Finding Bigfoot, lol, but the guy is interesting). NorthWind and I got to hear him speak earlier this year, and it was good stuff. I'm supposed to be meeting up with Autumn Williams for coffee, she's local, but our schedules haven't worked out.
I hate summer, and my truck is dead, so I'm looking for quality time fillers! Need to order some books, looks like. I have the Meldrum book and the Robert Morgan book. Both are excellent.