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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/28/2019 in all areas

  1. Yesterday we did a 30 mile run over Bolum pass. Roughest USFS road I have ever seen. Much of the road up top was just jagged boulders. The Chev on 35’s was too low in spots and scraped. Weird but pretty rock down here. Some gray like home but a lot of red. And some of it erodes like blocks. Which gives the road a step like appearance. Saw a red fox and mule deer. Lots of aspen trees. Lots of grass. Lots of old mines. Wyatt fished in a small lake. But it was full of what he called salamanders? No idea. Saw a Ford with MO plates on the Durango side. Plate said FOOTN!
    4 points
  2. First night Alpine Wy. Second night Ouray Co.
    4 points
  3. It will pass muster with me which is all it needs to do. If I "get it", I'll never show the "got it" thermal it to anyone except family and friends. My endeavor places no importance whatsoever to proving it to anyone other than me. It never has.
    3 points
  4. I'm not seeing a decline of interest in Bigfoot. Just for leisurely scrolling I an subscribed to tons of FB groups. What I am seeing is more groups emerging. Same questions and comments in all of them. People thinking Bobo is an authority on the subject as well as David Paulides, who oddly enough, doesn't have to comment on Bigfoot to be an assumed Bigfoot expert (even though here never claimed to be). Same photos or varieties of photos offering nothing new at all. People with experiences they don't know who else to inform. Doesn't seem like much has changed over the years in bigfootery except the medium.
    2 points
  5. Sure it makes sense to do it the way you describe...assuming you have unlimited time to man 7 different points of potential contact, indefinitely, and the ability to shoot at and hit a moving target in the dark. When you look at it that way, using a radio tag to locate your quarry makes much more sense, on many different levels. Besides, they didn't ever "know" where the target would be...they took an educated guess as to seven locations, and got lucky with one of them. Whether they can duplicate that luck also remains to be proven. That's a good point actually, I forgot that they had seven target areas 🙂 when I look at it that way you're right it makes sense to try and located areas it hangs around or spends portions of it's time at and focus attention on those areas. I found the report pretty well written if I'm honest and the way they deduced what could and could not have been tracked was pretty reasonable.
    2 points
  6. I think this is most likely correct. Something so close to us that the DNA tests used for species identification mistakes it for us, contamination or slightly degraded. That points to something much much closer than chimp. There are, however, some anomalies of behavior / apparent ability which should not be ignored. There is something to the picture we don't understand yet. MIB
    1 point
  7. A Big BFF Welcome To Our New Members. I Hope You All Enjoy The Forum.
    1 point
  8. Sure it makes sense to do it the way you describe...assuming you have unlimited time to man 7 different points of potential contact, indefinitely, and the ability to shoot at and hit a moving target in the dark. When you look at it that way, using a radio tag to locate your quarry makes much more sense, on many different levels. Besides, they didn't ever "know" where the target would be...they took an educated guess as to seven locations, and got lucky with one of them. Whether they can duplicate that luck also remains to be proven.
    1 point
  9. Is there any way to confirm it was on a Bigfoot and not a Bear or a Squirrel, etc.
    1 point
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