Federal law Hunster, the Endangered Species Act....a much different, umm, animal, although it quite possibly could be a felony. While the penalties for a violation under the assorted and various state Bigfoot laws are assumed to vary widely (and I've not looked into that in detail...just a safe prediction) under the classification of the offense these are all, as far as I know, GAME laws. The point being debated here, as I understood it, is whether the killing of a BF is prosecutable as a homicide, predicted to result in a conviction for anything from manslaughter up to murder. "Not a snowball's chance" is where I stand on that point, and have not heard any cogent argument to the contrary. I would include in that prediction of unlikely outcomes all violent crimes in the nature of assault, attempted murder, reckless endangerment....the list is long. I would be glad to reconsider that opinion if such were to be advanced. But, if we give presumptive human status to a Sasquatch it opens the door to ridiculous outcomes. I mean, can we have a guardian ad litem appointed on a showing of incompetency so as to bring a civil action by the Biggie for slander, civil rights violations, access to Section 8 Housing and SNAP benefits? You see where this lead us?