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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/01/2019 in all areas

  1. Here's some interesting activity on one of the BF trails that I use often, this trail block took a little effort to build.....the green lines are the trail, and the red arrows are pointing to an oak log brought in from nearby, and woven in to the structure, none of it was touching the ground, pics from both sides....it was pretty cool........and a marker on a side-trail nearby pointing towards it.
    1 point
  2. I think this article delineates the complexities involved in this search for Sasquatch dna. The hominin-E and hominin-X unknown archaic hominin contributions to modern human dna discussion is fascinating nevertheless: https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/fade/fe398d7343dc483a9b858a5627667f4f470e.pdf HOMININADMIXTURES.pdf
    1 point
  3. Getting a little rain and cooler temps, if 91 qualifies as cooler:) Here are some Deer kill pics, what was odd is the stick laying next to the spine had a sharp point sticking out just below the 'Y', circled in one pic and arrows in another. The point also looked like it had dried blood on it, just kind of a weird scene the way it looked.
    1 point
  4. I must say I was unable to find a copy of this pic after searching for the name of the artist you mentioned so I do ask for a link to his work if you don’t mind. I’m not going to spend all night trying to sell photo after photo. The P & G film is by far the most credible piece of video footage to date and it shows the same thing which has been described in sighting after sighting, a robust conical head with a protruding brow ridge. Here’s a copy of the video, slowed down and stabilized. Disregard it if you like. It’s true that not all Sasquatch sightings describe the cone shape however as I’ve said, not all homo erectus or early homo sapien skulls contain a saggital keel either but the prevalence is certainly higher than it is in modern humans.
    1 point
  5. Historical Implications "The Triquet Island artifacts were 14,000 years old, implying that a group of people inhabited the island roughly 2,000 years before the end of the Ice Age. With these findings, archaeologists could confidently conclude that Triquet Island was never covered by one of the massive glaciers that engulfed Canada during this time period. This was a clear contradiction of what historians had believed up until this point in time. This realization would soon bring even more historical implications." Just found this reference to a dig on the shore of Triquet Island off the coast of BC. This supports my contention that early man used boats. They found harpoon tips used for harpooning large animals. 14,000 years ago is 2000 years before the end of the ice age. Apparently the island was inhabited until a large tsunami wiped it out. Since it was an island and not affected by glaciers, the only way to get there was in boats. If mankind was there, they were likely all along the coast of BC. The true history of NA is covered in a 100 plus feet of water along our coastlines or covered by tsunami debris. This dig did not show anything until they were about 5 feet below surface soil. This was likely the same tsunami that is evidenced on the Washington coast that was over 300 feet tall.
    1 point
  6. 1 - Your opinion is based on nothing but assumptions. Derek owns his own business and has been booked for months in advance ( over a year ) out on work and has not had much opportunity to sit down and get the entire group together to discuss the results. Shane has been spearheading current efforts also in an effort to locate new nest sites to try and find fresh samples for testing. I will respond to hiflier separately as I have time, I am also starting work as I have moved and what time I do get it is out in the woods locally researching ( we all have day jobs ) reports. 2 - Yes, Derek and Shane spoke at one event this spring and Shane spoke at the other in OR just last month ( I was there holding the booth ), both of these should be on youtube. 3 - That is also nothing more than an opinion based on no substance. I am a member of the Olympic Project. Free time has been short for leadership in the OP and what time has been spared has gone back into field operation/expeds. I understand the frustration some have about this effort as it has been quiet for a long time now but things are still going on.
    1 point
  7. It's been hot & dry, hoping for some cooler temps and rain! There are a few places that are still holding water, and lotta critters using these woods oasis'. The first print is a good example of a BF non-print, with a large wolf print, Lulu probably, also been seeing some juvie prints lately that I hadn't seen before......new kid on the block:)?
    1 point
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