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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/29/2019 in all areas

  1. The other factor finding a body is that I am convinced that they tend for their dead. The relatives find a missing bigfoot and haul it off. We have several reports of that happening. That factor alone makes it as unlikely to find a BF body in the woods as it would finding a human body. Other than car wrecks, I have never found a human body in the woods. Then again I am not a hunter where that is more likely to happen. I pretty much avoid being out during hunting season.
    1 point
  2. They are to smart to be a big dumb ape. More convincing than that is along with smart, they seem to have a sense of humor. Other than otters and other animals playing, never seen a bear or other animal with a sense of humor playing tricks trying to elicit a human response. The glyph presented to me had symmetry. Symmetry requires some intellect and the glyph a desire to communicate. As far as ET I think it unlikely because of lack of gadgets. But at the same time one cannot completely rule it out until we get DNA and determine evolution of the species.
    1 point
  3. i mean if I found a carcass near a forest road and I had another guy to help me load it into the back of the truck, id be high tailking it out of there "I was never here"
    1 point
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