bipedalist, I've actually done a bit more than the activities that you listed. I have attempted contact with Dr. Goodall, yes. I think you know me well enough. I have stated in the past about those attempts as well. Specifically I addressed the shoulder width of Patty so it was a while back. Never got a response. So you're right, nothing lately. Pretty much everything I've done I have brought here but there are also things I have done that I haven't. A couple of years ago I got a lot of flak here about emails so I backed off. Shouldn't have, but I did.
F&G have biologists that do e-DNA field testing. So yes, they are a focus of mine and I'm trying to figure a way to get more inside on that. And why not. As far as RVing goes, I go. BF research is a secondary thing because my spouse is pretty sensitive to the subject. It's not like I can tell Mrs. hiflier that I'm going to do research and then just take off with the RV. It doesn't, and can't work that way. If we were both of the same mind then sure, we'd be in it with both feet. But that's not the case.
Would she let me fly out to the PacNW on my own and 'do my thing'? Of course she would. But if I have a truck and a camper then why would I fly then rent a car? 12 years ago I had a triple bypass. I would worry her to be on the road by myself and drive 7,000 miles round trip at 70 years old. So I chose to work in other directions and not worry her. But work in other directions I do. Sometimes I get impatient here because I feel limited. Sorry about that. Walk in my shoes. Know what I know, and some of you may act the same way.
Best question of the evening! The usual. Caffeine. Might have overindulged, though. Probably shouldn't drive