I've always been interested in sasquatch. I have a particular interest in general primatology, but as we all know, most of my colleagues don't dare entertain the possibility of bigfoot's existence, save for the great Jane Goodall. I won't say primatologists should have an obligation to believe or attempt to seek these wonderful creatures, but I find it hard to believe that that anyone who loves the great apes wouldn't love there to be sixth great ape species. I have no doubt that the creature Patterson-Gimlin film was the unverified nonhuman ape we call bigfoot. I've seen a lot of great evidence since 1967, but nothing that I'm as certain about as I am with Patty. It's possible Patty could have been among the last of her kind, and if that's the case and these beautiful creatures are no more, it is a shame that they have come and gone without the respect science owes them.