Title of this thread: "Why can't we find and study Bigfoot?"
Because everyone would rather work solo or in pairs HOPING for a sighting so they can say they saw one. Leaving proof to chance isn't working folks. The BFF currently has over 800 members scattered around North America with a few from elsewhere. Those are CURRENT members. How many total members have been here in the last ten years? A couple of thousand? The hard truth is that having no proof of existence is our fault. Not science's, OURS. With the progress the e-DNA has been making in the last twenty years we have had an avenue of scientific pursuit but no one has used it.
I see it this way, science has developed, and continues to develop, this technology. In a way, as far as Sasquatch goes, science has shot themselves in the foot by no longer giving itself an excuse to not go and test for this creature. Especially when, for academia at least, testing is so danged cheap.My goal is to coerce science into using the technology to end this debate. Don't you think it's time to use the best danged tool we have? What I don't understand is why more of you aren't seeing this and finding someone in academia to talk to about it.
"Why can't we find and study Bigfoot?" Seriously ask yourselves that question, and be honest. If you are honest, then you may find that there is no longer a good excuse. I'm calling science on this, and I'm calling you on it as well. Time for the two of you to join forces? Yep, I think so.