There are no homes within 10 miles. I have not been there to the area for about 2 years. Mostly due to a series of lung issues and the lack of foot print finds after all the clear cutting. All of the events I mentioned and a couple more event locations that I did not visit, are within a mile of each other. My first footprint find was 7 miles North of there, beside a trail that runs to the cluster of events. While it was clear cutting that finally stopped the activity there in my research area, before that clear cutting pushed me along the trail, in the direction of the cluster of events. So clear cutting both started and ended my research area activity.
Footprint finds are rare. But if an area is active they will be found with enough frequency to signal you have found the right place. The problem being that you have to spend a lot of time, boots on the ground, hiking around looking for them. Probably more time than most would want to spend. That put me in the mix to have contact. My gut feeling is that there was something there to hold them in the area as the clear cutting moved closer. Has to be something like a cave or lava tube where they had shelter. I cannot imagine that spring bubbling up was the only draw. At this point, I am too old to continue that kind of field presence. I was pretty tired after I got home. Had I found anything the other day, I would be back but there is so little cover there now, I cannot imagine BF are even in the area any longer. My gut feeling is that they moved East, deeper into the Gifford Pinchot where there is very little logging. That has to have pushed them into a winter survival quandary, because they would be in snow much longer each year. My research area was at an elevation it was in and out of the snow level most of the winter. They could move up and down to avoid snow, move to more moderate temperatures, and still avoid humans. I could also take the field year round. But East has snow cover most of the winter, closed roads, and limited access. Just getting deeper into the GP makes a day trip very difficult. I took a few pictures so will post them.