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  1. Took a trip to Liberty dam in Maryland. No Bigfoot around there, but it's a nice view.
    2 points
  2. Pretty impressive dam Giganto. Looked it up and the Liberty Reservoir is beautiful. Looks like a boater's and paddler's dream with all the bays and inlets. Thanks for sharing.
    1 point
  3. Quite the contrary. Asking for proof is what separates fact from fiction. I’m sorry if you think that is rude. Either way? Paranormal wasn’t one of the selections on the poll. We are off topic. And I will bow out now. Take care and enjoy the forums!
    1 point
  4. What is the repeatably testable evidence for the existence of such beings? Paranormal / woo-woo is made of 2 components. There's 1) the stuff we don't know yet and 2) pure bovine excrement. If the thing is true and real, whether we know it yet or not, it is within our capacity to know. MIB
    1 point
  5. Pot. I don't think there is equal evidence for all of those things you mentioned nor is the sheer volume of accounts equal among those subjects. However if you are going to bring up gnomes and pixies (fairies) then yes there is a ton of that kind of phenomenon and I think there is something to it. I like to read old folk tails from that part of the world. The accounts from another age and a different culture are often astoundingly similar to what we experience over on this continent in nature and description. If anything reading those kinds of accounts from the past and comparing them to today's paranormal phenomenon only further confirms for me the reality of the phenomenon rather than suggesting its non existence. But you are really failing to understand or respond to my point for bringing up different forms for a phenomenon I am suggesting could all be related and really the same thing. If Jung is correct, and I think he is to some extent for sure, it does not matter if it is a fairy, a bigfoot, an orb or a UFO. They would all be manifestations of the one numinous force drawing from the collective unconscious of humanity. From this perspective you make the mistake of thinking of these phenomenon as separate rather than related or even the same. It is really humorous though to have you try to mock this idea when this is exactly the kind of mocking the close minded and ignorant use on people who think bigfoot is real..... Pot meet kettle......
    1 point
  6. Our present level of scientific development is quite primitive and may remain so forever.. There are an increasing number of scientists who are saying that we will most likely never be able to thoroughly investigate the vast universe we live in. We are simply not intelligent enough to do so. The universe will always hold mystery. It is interesting to me that the sciences who seemed to so nearly take all mystery out of the world, are now the ones offering mystery back to us on a higher order. Faced with these facts of our existence in an incredibly complex universe, and the profound limits of our intelligence, and our ability to develop scientific tools for investigation, I feel that it is foolish and ignorant to only think about or believe what can be repeated under controled conditions. Much of any peoples direct experience would have to be denied under these conditions. Life doesnt fit this mold unfortunately and it is an arrogance and a bias of this age to try to make it so. We miss much under the false limits that we set in this way. However, limitations of our present scientific level of advancement and its possible permanence aside, we do allready have the capacity to experience and know things that scientific investigation cannot yet reveal. Our own senses have access to whole dimensions that our sciences do not and cannot access. It is wrong to think otherwise in my experience and a it is a present bias and over correction to more superstitious times. The pengulum must swing back towards the center. Anyway those are my thoughts on the subject in a nutshell with lots of caveats obviously.
    -1 points
  7. You can go on about crackpot theories all you want but you have done nothing at all to establish the necessity of your position. You are just being rude over and over again without saying anything important. I don't think denigrating others positions does anything to further discourse and in fact stands in the way of it.
    -1 points
  8. Calling peoples ideas crackpot theories and then strawamaning them is absolutely rude. It is also dishonest as it mis-states positions. The fact is that paranormal activity is being increasingly associated with and experienced in the vicinity of Bigfoot and further reportedly bigfoot itself has been witnessed to posses paranormal abilities as a species. Not taking that into account is the definition of closed mindedness and is contrary to the scientific method.
    -1 points
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