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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/27/2020 in all areas

  1. Totally with you and Norseman, among others on that! But in that regard I need to express the whole idea and intent for e-DNA. It's NOT for the masses. It's for us and the scientists. And even among us there will be doubters. But the scientists will have irrefutable scientific evidence of the creature's existence. That's the point of e-DNA. The masses will decide what they will decide. I don't care about that because science will end up being the entity that will do the studies, procure the body if need be, or do a serious investigation to support the evidence. The short, although extremely more dangerous, road is a bullet. And the risk of losing the evidence, along with one's inevitable encounter with the law, is very high. So much on the table to consider. As far as out little plastic boxes that we deploy in the field? Yes, I have one, but I prefer the more instantaneous handheld devices that, if I'm lucky, will only alert the quarry after it's too late for it to hide.
    2 points
  2. Funny........around here, when Momma isn't happy, I'm the only soul who suffers.........
    1 point
  3. If momma ain’t happy? NOBODY is happy.....
    1 point
  4. Yah....the wife doesn’t really appreciate that in the tent.
    1 point
  5. ^^^ Yes. We use plastic boxes that smell, emit EMF, ultrasonic noises, look out of place and emit various forms of light. Any guesses as to why animals look at Plotwatcher brand cameras when they activate?
    1 point
  6. That is a really cool set up! I have a 4Runner and I've seen people running the roof tents on them. I saw one from Thule locally for sale last week and checked it out. Unfortunately, it was too small and $1700. I think they are a cool concept and have several advantages over my current cheapo Coleman ground tent, but size and cost are not one of them. Nearly pulled the trigger on a new small RV trailer, but looking for a career change ASAP and not sure about finances.
    1 point
  7. Here's Shane Corson giving an update on the **new** finds, they're incredibly cool, they truly are. Spend time listening to these Guys and Girls, trust me. Shane has recently given two interviews on what's happened in the last few months and if you don't know already, that's more nests, incredible print finds of both hands and feet and vocalizations that are amazing. Interview 1 - Shane is around the 02:05 mark or thereabouts, with new nest info from maybe 02:30 or so. Interview 2
    1 point
  8. Better and more readily available technology. A larger and easier to search body of research, reports, and accounts. A higher density of population in many areas to draw those accounts from. The internet and other communications that allow for a faster dissemination of information and reports. A larger segment of the population who believes in the existence of the creatures, which translates a larger number of people searching for that existence; as well as a larger more passive group of people who consume Bigfoot related media...which in turn fuels and finances the hunt in many ways.
    1 point
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