This conversation actually belongs in the paranormal section, not here. But since you asked...
My intuition tells me that our resident invisible squatch expert won't be able to answer at the moment, but I will relay what has been told to me by my Native American friends, and I'll explain something 'funny' that I experienced on the Omaha Reservation in Nebraska.
(disclaimer - I have not "properly witnessed' these experiences, so I cannot attest to truthfulness, but I heard them first hand from participants, and was there for one of them)
In one daytime instance, they heard it coming and could see physical movement in the grass, and heard breathing very close by. Grass moving = physical.
In the 'handshake' incident, something very large was in front of my friends. At least 3 people (that I trust) saw it, and it was reaching out. Nothing "physical' was there that could be touched. During that same incident, I saw what looked like a shadow, shorter than myself, pass between me and another attendee. This particular place is said to be VERY haunted. (There is a book about this place) So...Sasquatch? or Spirits? I don't know, but something was going on. This is also when one of the guys was basically frozen in place. If it was infrasound, I could not hear it on my audio recording. Igor Burtsev was also there with us when this all happened. Igor told us very 'matter of factly' that Sasquatch can do 'teleportation'.
(For your listening enjoyment, I attached a clip of Igor talking about it)Igor Sep 2018.mp3
Here's the 'funny' story. An Omaha Native and I were checking out a creek that runs through the reservation. Snow had just melted, and we were looking around for prints and tree structures. I was maybe 20 feet from my friend, in broad daylight. I hear a fart... one I would have been proud of, except it wasn't me. I looked up at my friend thinking WTF? He was looking at me, thinking the same thing. He thought it was me, and I thought it was him. Neither of us had farted, yet we both heard it clearly, basically in between us. So... Invisible Sasquatch evidently has a sense of humor.
Trust me... I know how absurd this stuff sounds. If I ever do see it for myself, I will pass it on and take the abuse that is sure to follow.
This is just the tip of the paranormal iceberg on the Omaha Reservation.