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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/12/2020 in all areas

  1. Yesterday, I went on a hiking adventure rather than a sasquatching one. I hiked with a buddy and we went up and over three mountains on a peninsula. The interior forest was a bit hazy as we started up the first one. Then, as you proceed from the first mountain to the second one to the third, you walk some of the way along a ridgeline, where you are treated to a view of both sides. The area is well known for its population of timber rattlers and if bitten there is no fast or easy way back to your car. That doesn't bode well. I've been hiking and backpacking many years and this hike was the most difficult one I've ever done. That includes Yosemite, Lake Tahoe, Desolation Valley, and the Grand Canyon. Steep climbs, then sliding down nearly-vertical terrain on your backside as you proceed down the mountain. The descents, with their rock ledges and narrow pathways, were more rigorous than the ascents. One missed step, which becomes easier when you begin to get tired, and you're tumbling down nearly vertical cliffs in some areas. All-in-all it was a great day hiking and the continuous views along the way inspired us to continue forward. Edited: To add the last picture. At the summit of the first mountain there was a deer. Didn't expect that. The reason I am including it is to show why "blobsquatches" are prevalent in pictures today. I had to hurry to get a picture of the deer as it began to move away. The camera focused on the vegetation rather than the deer.
    3 points
  2. Hello bigfoot forums, My name is Kyle and I have been fascinated with these creatures for years now. Some of you may already be familiar with some of my work via the “Sasquatch habitat investigation team” channel on YouTube, I am one of the founding members along with my friend mark.
    1 point
  3. BTW, thanks for both of your responses. Kinda Gearing up to head up to the Ochoco and check some of that out. Kinda new at this but I suspect it will become second nature in no time.
    1 point
  4. No, not exactly, but would not be surprised if they manage something similar using various landmarks, seasonal weather changes, and celestial events.
    1 point
  5. The Huntster: "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, remains possible."
    1 point
  6. Sherlock Holmes. "How often have I said to you that when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth?"
    1 point
  7. Yep. Not "child" voices as depicted on the show exactly. I've heard the little mumbly / giggly voices once in 2013. I had a clear daylight sighting about 45 minutes later. Another time I was walking up a somewhat seldom used USFS trail approaching a bend. I heard what I thought was a teen girl "shush" ing a dog, assumed she knew I was approaching, and was commanding it to sit. Couldn't make out the words, that was just the tone. Turned the corner ... nobody. I could see 100 yards or more ahead, behind, up the ridge above the trail, and quite a bit farther on a open timbered flat by the creek. There was nobody there. Beats me.
    1 point
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