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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/26/2020 in all areas

  1. Thank you, Outkast. I hope you enjoy it. Please use this topic to ask questions or challenge any points.
    1 point
  2. I always wondered why bother going out at night with the obvious visual problems if your aim is to garner evidence. It seems counter productive, if you get more chance of evidence or improve your chances of an encounter at night that is negated by the lack of clarity or lack of quality of images you would be able to obtain, footprints you wouldn't see and so on. If we assume the animals are real then Patty was filmed in broad daylight and again, if we assume the animals are real then there are lots of daylight sightings, photos and videos some of which must then be real. You may have a lower chance of an encounter perhaps but the chances of documenting that encounter would increase several fold.
    1 point
  3. Dogs evolved from Wolves 20k plus years ago in Siberia. I think it’s an ancient memory resurfaced.
    1 point
  4. I am a member of the Taxidermy.net forum and there is a film company that is doing a documentary on Ken Walker, who is a world famous taxidermist, bigfoot enthusiast and one time member on here. It is about him, sasquatch and the sasquatch reproduction he made for the World Taxidermy Show a year or two ago. It looks interesting. It's called Big Fur and will be offered in many forms on it's website. Just thought it might interest some over here.
    1 point
  5. Absolutely gorgeous area. Pretty good base elevation too at ~8,000+'
    1 point
  6. That's some nice country out there . Is that BLM land ? Are you able to just drive those dirt roads and boonedock camp where ever you want?
    1 point
  7. We get this Helly Hansen stuff at work. It is FR, and it is expensive, but it is very warm and very comfortable. We often work well into minus (Fahrenheit) temperatures. https://www.amazon.com/Helly-Hansen-Shirt-Layer-Crewneck/dp/B00JEYG4G2 Not sure if they make it in a non-fire retardant fabric, but if they did it would certainly be cheaper.
    1 point
  8. ^^^^ It can be but it isn't always. Some dogs seem to be fine with it. Seems to depend on the personality of the dog and the personality of the person in charge of the dog. The issue is that the last people who are willing to admit their dog might have a problem are the people with dogs who are the most likely have a problem ... denial and defensiveness. (Kinda of like parents of kids.) I wouldn't worry as much about a family mutt as I would about a bred and trained protection dog. MIB
    0 points
  9. In '98, I believe, my now hiking buddy and one of his friends went into the same basin I've been investigating since 2014 where we've had any number of things happen. They camped at the highest significant lake, about 6400 feet. They had a camp visit, wasn't confrontational or anything like that. A group, exchanging mumbly vocals, crossed the edge of the camp site. Most stayed there, one broke away and came over to their tent pressing inwards on the fabric. The dog, think it was the other guy's dog, went to the bottom of a sleeping bag whimpering and wouldn't come out 'til mid morning. This was a dog that'd been used to track and tree bears, not a coward, but after that night, it was BROKEN. From that day forward it wouldn't go outside in the dark to pee in its own yard .. in town. Whatever happened to it, it was something seemingly more terrifying than mere death because it'd faced that countless times chasing bears. My guess ... infrasound. It's only a guess. MIB
    0 points
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