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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/20/2020 in all areas

  1. How dare you make an educated decision on your well being and go off into the woods.
    2 points
  2. I've talked about my main area in the past near my home, these are 'Urbanfoots' that i am following, and I am sure this is happening in many places, specially small towns....the wildlife has certainly urbanized, why not the top predator, easy pickings too? Anyway, IMO they only tolerate me because I respect their privacy and never bring or leave any techy stuff out there, they are messing with me, so they might even like me again, certainly sending them that strong vibe, and what's not to like about Lulu? Here's a nice wolfy kiss, she must have some French wolf in her, lol.
    1 point
  3. I think either way it shows the same thing. Communications regarding the movements either coming in to or leaving an area, of a human being. I think we have to believe that these animals do their upmost in general to avoid us and they do that by keeping the ultimate tabs on us, devoting a lot of their time watching our movements in order to be informed of what we are doing and when we are doing it. Communicating that therefore becomes important especially if you are of the way of thinking that these things spend a lot of their time in loose groups and not alone, like i do. Pretty sure that some members of the Olympic Project have noted the same thing, i'm unsure if any of it is recorded also however.
    1 point
  4. In the Oconee area, we heard a quick series of sounds that sounded almost like hollow knocks. It sounded exactly like the audio that was recorded during the Devil's Creek incident. For those of you who are not familiar with Devil's Creek, OK Talk podcast does a fantastic series of episodes concerning it. It sounded like this... To me, it almost sounds like a hollow wood block or something...not at all like what you would expect when you hear about a gorilla BEATING his chest. So, you might be on to something there, @Madison5716
    1 point
  5. Ah, yes the stalk. Love stalking game when it is windy. If there are ridges I go there first and spot. I move slow maybe five to six steps at a time and stop and spot and do this all over . I will do it with the bow or my crossbow and my shotgun/rifle. I will use the wind direction to my advantage. It is great when the animals do not even know that you are there in their homes. It is a challenge but I love the heck out it. But you better know the woods you are in when you do it. I keep my compass close and my GPS close and my map in my front pocket. Natfoot Good luck with your hunting. Hope that you see the big guy though. Just do not shoot it unless you know for sure that it is alone.
    1 point
  6. Good points @hiflier Not much time to gather a club and have at it. Begs the question of whether some just carry a stick. @Madison5716 It may be that is the case or they've watched this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=StFw_ivAYtc
    1 point
  7. Sometimes I wonder if wood knocks are chest slaps some of the time.
    1 point
  8. Sure thing, I'll convert our reports into a Google earth project and share them here tomorrow.
    1 point
  9. The best thing about Russia? Some of the most beautiful women in the world are from Russia. A few years ago, I was working for a company that was working with a couple of Russian engineers on a project, and their interpreter was a gorgeous Russian woman who I very much enjoyed talking to. I even learned a few phrases in Russian to impress her. All I remember today is spasibo, or "thank you".
    1 point
  10. Ive got 1 report in roane, in Amma. Looks like several WV sighting reports are missing off that map. Is this the BFRO map or some independent map? If its indendant theres a few i can help add to it that were sent in to our team over the last few years. Just let me know
    1 point
  11. Thanks for posting that Norseman. Interesting observations here...I guess today all content is marketed as "shocking", but hardly is this that, I don't think. We talk here a lot about how the enigma of the Squatch morphology and behavior lends itself to all kinds of speculation and (sometimes) dubious theories. I've proposed my share of those, and enjoy painting on this blank canvas as much as the next guy. With all due respect to Dr. Meldrum though, my reaction to this theory is pretty much a shrug. I mean, can you not cherry pick any characteristic of BF and draw conclusions about it being an ape, a hominid, an ape-hominid, a giant lemur, just about anything you'd care to propose? It might be some or none of those, for all we are able to say. That Patty has a passing similarity to an extinct precursor of H. sapiens (which they MIGHT be) is not much of a revelation, any more than saying a modern human has some similarities to a chimpanzee. After all, when your data set includes the criteria: Mammal, bipedal, binocular vision, opposable thumbs....the similarities are as plentiful as the differences. That this somehow moves the needle towards proof that Patty was an ape, and not a human? Not so much, for me.
    1 point
  12. What happens to all the animals when the timber does get cut down? And this includes the Bigfoots. When they start cutting down timber and start making all that noise I am sure that these creatures will just scramble the heck out of there. So the Gov. has to know that these creatures exist when they start to cut and they scramble out of their holes or where ever they live. No one and I mean not even these lumber company would stay silent about what goes on when they start spotting these creatures in the field. I am sure that these companies must talk to the Gov. of what they spotted when they are cutting down these large trees. So when they do talk and the Gov does get involves what do you think happens next ? They sure as heck not going to announce it to the world and say " Hey we found these creatures and they do exist " oh No. It will all go down as no disclosure and no a word will be heard about it. When some one does speak about it what do you think happens to that person? Their life becomes a living nightmare until they refuse to speak about it. I am not sure that this is all about money or even about the lumber industry. I am pretty sure that this about a race of undiscovered people. That are living off the land with out borders and no government who rule by their own rules. If you want to attack me on this issue well then that's ok. But this is where I stand and I am not sure about MK Davis but I do know that if they had a dog trained to attack on that day. Well then that dog should be dead along with the crew who tried to kill these creatures. The kills that I have seen by them and the necks well they tell a different story and there is just no way what MK says could be true.
    1 point
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