I was a lurker here for a few years. My first introduction to Sasquatch was as a 4-5th grader. One of my older brothers had a yellow paperback book about Bigfoot. For the last 16 years or so my interest went crazy even more. The only people I know who had an encounter was my 2nd ex wife and her family. It was 1976 or 1977 when her dad was driving to Louisiana to see an old Air Force buddy. They said it was late probably close to 10-11pm cause they had stopped to eat a couple of hours earlier for dinner. This was close to Beaumont, Texas. Her dad was driving, mom was riding shotgun, oldest sister and brother in the middle seat and her and her two younger brothers were asleep in the back area of their station wagon. She was awaken to the station wagon making a extreme swerve which made them roll in the back. At the same time her mother let out a loud scream. The sister and brother were awake playing in the middle seat. The mother started praying and the dad floored it. This was told to me about 2004 after we started dating. Her older sister recounted the story. She saw it. A tall black dark figure she said looked like a gorilla jumped across the road in 3 steps. Her mom started doing the sign of the cross and saying it was the devil. The oldest brother in the middle started crying. The three in back did not see it. It ran across the road from right to left. She was on the drivers side and saw it turn to look at the car as it passed. The dad sped up and the mother was now screaming for him to slow down. She was also calling it the devil. Now the youngest 3 in back started crying with the break down of the mom. The dad was a good family friend and worked with my dad. A solid Air Force Veteran who was a F-105 Mechanic in Vietnam. Sadly the dad passed in 2002. The mother in 2007, and the oldest sister in 2019. All from cancer. I still remeber the seriousness she was when she spoke of it. The oldest brother did not see it. He was on the passengers side behind the mom. This family is honest. They never went public out of fear of ridicule.