I am not a member, nor do I have any truck with the BFRO beyond a devotion to reading the sighting reports...and I do that religiously. It might get under emphasized how much that database has contributed to awareness and knowledge. Back in the day, nobody in their wildest dreams ever thought that there could be a compendium of that size and degree of accessibility. I get that we are largely a population of non-readers, boy do I. We've had many epic debates here with some skeptics and scoftics. What those opponents mostly had working against them, I'm convinced (aside from a general lack of outdoor experience) was a noticeable lack of reading comprehension skills, and/or lack of motivation to read at all, along with a deficit in the area of deductive reasoning and critical thought. The BFRO database, and the story it tells, require at least a little bit of those abilities. Once you realize this, the story that is there becomes coherent. To me, if the BFRO and MM disappeared tomorrow, that single legacy would justify all else it might be guilty of perpetrating.