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  1. BRB, Yes, I thought about that example and remembered it, but that is different than lifting a boy by its armpits to eye level and looking into him deeply. Maybe I am reading too much into this incident, but that shows more intelligence and inquisitiveness. Rather than playing with a small human. The guy who was lifted was not injured. Only his psyche was injured, since he moved to the city and never went back outdoors (according to his friend who was interviewed).
    1 point
  2. Was in the woods today, but was sighting in my new hunting rifle. Ruger Predator in .308 with a Nikon 3x9 P-Tactical scope. Met my brother at the informal range, which was the site of a clay mining operation back around WWII. Rifle did OK, with 7/8" group at 100 yards using handloads, but nothing special. Hoping to get it down to 1/2" with some more load development. No sign of Bigfoot, but the prolific amount of wet clay made tracking every animal in the area easy. But, frequent heavy rains erased most tracks every couple of days.
    1 point
  3. I would be interested to find out if anyone who's had encounters with these beings has ever detected infrasound. I know there's a lot of discussion about it and people talking about being "zapped" before but I think maybe that could be contributing factor from the survival fight or flight mechanism of fear.
    -1 points
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