Speaking of autofocus option.....
Early last week, I went for a quick overnight. Using my thermal, I was able to see mice running hither and yon all night long. Late into the evening, as I was scanning the woods, I picked up something between two trees. It was moving while in place. A second, or two, later I watched a mouse run toward the unidentified object. Then, with a silent and sudden movement, the object leaped upon the mouse. It was an owl.
I focused my attention on the black object that was about human height although I could not see any lower body. The angle was odd as the trees, and the object in between, was at 45 degrees. I assumed the lower body was being hidden by one of the trees. It never dawned on me an owl would be on a branch that low. I should have magnified the object x 4.6 then manually focused, then magnified x 9.2 and manually focused. I didn't as I was watching the object for every movement.
When I watched the video on my 32" computer screen, it was clear from the start the object was an owl. You could make out the details of the head not readily apparent on the thermal's small OMELED screen. Oh well, a little fun that night and a lesson learned. I'll see if I can upload the video--my skills in this regard are sorely lacking.