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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/10/2021 in all areas

  1. Wynoochee lake area-Donkey creek Queets river drainage Kalaloch area Found one track that wasn't hoofed. Bear maybe coming off the bank to the road. No elk but lots of sign. Glassed clear cuts last night until the ocean mist rolled in around 8 pm. Access is tough. Timber ground is all locked up. Olympic NF roads are all grown over or kelly humped. But State DNR ground was good access and plenty of clear cuts. Made a big loop on dirt about 30 miles and then when we were almost out hit a road closed sign and construction. I wasnt going back the way I came. So I moved the signs knowing the crew went home the same way I was going. It was just woods to my back. My wife wasnt amused but we went through the construction equipment and popped out on pavemet on other side. I have a bear tag but its too warm in my opinion.
    1 point
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