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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/12/2021 in all areas

  1. I've decided my old Ford F150 squatch-mobile is tired and wants to find a new home. We've had a lot of adventures together. It's time to put 'er out to pasture. But I've found something that I think will suit me well in my mid-life crisis. It's being built as we speak. A few tweaks here and there perhaps, but who knows, maybe we'll have some fun together!
    4 points
  2. Here in BC all the commercial trucks using the resource roads (logging, mining, oil) must have radios that use 32 special channels in the land mobile band. Each road uses it's own dedicated channel, which is posted at km 0, and drivers must call out distance markers and direction as they pass them; i.e. "Harrison East, 2km up" or "Thurston, 5km down" For this reason, I had a commercial radio installed in my H3, and it's very comforting to know where the big rigs are. These radios (mine's an Icom) are about 10 times as powerful as CBs, and about 3 times as expensive, but well worth it in my opinion. The range is excellent, even in our very mountainous Province. We also have a dedicated frequency for the 4x4 clubs programmed into these radios, so our trail chatter doesn't interfere with the commercial users. There is a license required to use these units, but no exam, just a $40/year fee.
    4 points
  3. No, just a Sport S. I only have so much cash. But, it will be paid off in full upon arrival. The only way to live. I hate debt.
    2 points
  4. The legs seem disproportionally long compared to the legs of our average, scientifically confirmed, Bigfoot. However, it does have a distinctly shaped 'diaper butt' so, I give it a maybe...
    1 point
  5. You don't need much more than that, it uses the traction control sensors to apply brake per wheel instead of lockers, works great! Plus its lighter without all the power windows/lock motors and the rest of it. Shoot, you can hose the interior down if you had to.
    1 point
  6. Found this today while scouting for more firewood on the Newport property. Looks twisted. But old. Just curious.
    1 point
  7. SB is right! I just got a CB because logging trucks freak me out with the way they drive. They don't just THINK they own the road, they DO own the road. I kept the installation very minimal as I will soon be selling my truck for a Jeep and will move it to that.
    1 point
  8. Waaay better than the last one. It’s not a bear or a leaf.
    1 point
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