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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/15/2021 in all areas

  1. Success stories are anecdotal and I'm not aware of a scientific study, in a controlled environment, testing its affect. I think most of those who claim it really works involve turkey and birds. I'm all for using anything that creates an advantage but haven't found yet the nugget of gold I'm looking for regarding HECS and terrestrial animals. Others may have.
    1 point
  2. For a fixed height bed rack, I like the EVO bed rack. For an adjustable bed rack, I like the Road Armor unit. There are a number of tents that are good. For the traditional "pop-up book" style tents, it's hard to beat ARB for quality. But I've done a couple ROAM Adventure tents lately and they seem to have the same quality as ARB at a better price. For a hardshell tent, James Baroud is the top end, but they are very expensive and have big distribution issues here in the states. For canopies, we sell the RSi Smart Cap canopies and though we get really good reviews on them, I haven't installed one yet, so can't say from a personal viewpoint. I have messed with ARE canopies in the past and they are very nice. The only canoe mounts I've done are the Rightline foam pads.
    1 point
  3. The legs seem disproportionally long compared to the legs of our average, scientifically confirmed, Bigfoot. However, it does have a distinctly shaped 'diaper butt' so, I give it a maybe...
    1 point
  4. Found this today while scouting for more firewood on the Newport property. Looks twisted. But old. Just curious.
    1 point
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