It's likely the GM G80 locker. Not a bad unit.
Well, my Squatchin' hikes are over for a while.
My left knee started bothering me on a hike in the desert to a gold mine in Arizona in February.
This trail, in fact...
I got back home and went to see my doc and she examined it and said likely just some minor inflammation and prescribed me physical therapy, which was nothing more than stretching.
So, knee never fully healed. I started a new position at work in which I am on my feet on concrete for a few hours a day and the knee started hurting again. Really bad, actually. Went back to the Doc and she finally had me get an MRI. She called me yesterday and said she couldn't believe that I was still walking. Apparently, my knee has a couple of major tears, knee cap damage, fluid build up, bone degeneration, and inflamed tendons.
She said I needed to see an orthopedic surgeon ASAP.
They called today and said they can't see me until January.
So, no more hiking for me for awhile.
It dawned on me that I live alone, my parents are wintering in Arizona, I have no girlfriend, no close friends in this area, and my brother is extremely busy with his job and young kids. When I get surgery, it is going to suck trying to cook, clean, do laundry, shovel the snow, etc..
Seems I need to find me a good woman ASAP, lol.