Anyone feel like a bit (or a lot) of speculative Sasquatch science? Sasquatch night ops is a pretty interesting rabbit hole that can cover many things such as night vision, possible infrared capabilities, eye shine colors, and general navigation with respect to moon phases. Much has been discussed over the years about any one of these elements but do those different elements add up in any way to gain any scientific insights that may nail down how the creatures manages to maneuver at night? Or do things in the dark woods like find rocks or a stick and tree to do some tree knocking for instance?
So far folks have talked about such capabilities as single subjects but, if taken together, do all of those discussions shed any light on the Sasquatch's ability, if it's so much like us and the other Great Apes, to do what it does and how? For myself, I don't think any one feature (NV, infrared, etc.) can answer the question as well as finding some common kind of ground that links the various vision advantages together that allow the Sasquatch to maneuver in what we may see as an impossible task for us without our artificial lights or other devices. All thoughts and inputs are welcome. In the end we may end up with something that isn't so speculative?