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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/17/2022 in all areas

  1. Dang, I could LIVE in that, @norseman! I gifted away my RAV. She was becoming unreliable for running around the deep woods. I cried when she drove off without me. I was gifted a new vehicle, probably a temporary find and potential trade-in, a Mitsubishi Montero Sport - which is in the shop. I'll find out tomorrow what's wrong with it and how much it'll be to fix it. She's much bigger, and 4wd, too - and I can sleep in her, which I could NOT do in the RAV.
    3 points
  2. Hello, my name is Paul and I live in Del Norte County, California. I have a research friend who has been in this forum for a long time. He referred me here. I have a wildlife biology degree from Humboldt State down the road from me. I worked at the NPS and USFS doing a variety of work from maintenance to forestry and fire fighting. my first experience with Bigfoot was in 1997 on a backpack adventure with a girlfriend on the east slope of Mt. St. Helens on the ape canyon trail. my first sighting was on a BFRO trip I took in July 2015 where I saw a white haired male who was about 10 feet tall and he harassed me in my car that night. I will post these experiences later. I know the creature was about 10 foot tall as I measured the small tree it was standing behind which made the creature about 10 foot tall. I also had a 100 foot tape and measured the distance from me to the Bigfoot and I was about 75 feet from it, quite close. I am excited to post more of my research items here for your feedback. I also am looking for events that occurred in my county as I have compiled a list from sources I could get. I am approaching 100 events for this county and I am sure there are many more. thank you for inviting me. Paul
    2 points
  3. Madison5716, that Mitsubishi should serve you well. Mitsu vehicles have a reputation for being long lived and reliable, so if that one doesn't need too much work, it'll be a keeper. It will definitely use more gas than the RAV, though.
    1 point
  4. I missed this when you first posted it. Well done!
    1 point
  5. Lol I like mountian monsters better than Alaska killer BF....
    1 point
  6. I found prints in moss when I was fishing with friends when I was a kid back in the mid 70's. The moss was mashed flat but we weren't even leaving any impressions in it. The walk out seemed to take forever.
    1 point
  7. And I thought I was the only one who noticed that line from Billy Joel’s song lol
    1 point
  8. The stainless bowl is a round bottomed mixing bowl from Ikea. I drilled and then cut a hole in the bottom. I could have used a squirrel baffle from Home Depot, but I got the bowl free and after buying a FLIR, I am kind of broke for a while. The PVC s 3/4". In the end cap, I have epoxied a connecting nut that is made for all-thread rod, so I can later mount this on a tripod if I want to (same threads). On the inside is a 3/4" coupler, that has a slot in it for the Velleman Super Stereo Ear kit that I soldered up (that kit was less than fifteen dollars and took about an hour to build.) I drilled a hole in the elbow so I can run wires, battery and audio (either headphones or to an FM transmitter which I haven't built yet). It's still a work in progress. I will paint it all when I get it together. I hope that's helpful for you, @wiiawiwb
    1 point
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