Hello, my name is Paul and I live in Del Norte County, California. I have a research friend who has been in this forum for a long time. He referred me here. I have a wildlife biology degree from Humboldt State down the road from me. I worked at the NPS and USFS doing a variety of work from maintenance to forestry and fire fighting.
my first experience with Bigfoot was in 1997 on a backpack adventure with a girlfriend on the east slope of Mt. St. Helens on the ape canyon trail.
my first sighting was on a BFRO trip I took in July 2015 where I saw a white haired male who was about 10 feet tall and he harassed me in my car that night. I will post these experiences later.
I know the creature was about 10 foot tall as I measured the small tree it was standing behind which made the creature about 10 foot tall. I also had a 100 foot tape and measured the distance from
me to the Bigfoot and I was about 75 feet from it, quite close.
I am excited to post more of my research items here for your feedback. I also am looking for events that occurred in my county as I have compiled a list from sources I could get. I am approaching 100 events for this county and I am sure there are many more.
thank you for inviting me. Paul