I'm laughing over here, @wiiawiwb! I loathe headlamps because when other people wear them I always get blasted in the face with light and it annoys me to no end. I'm looking at you (in part), @Madison5716, but I still love ya, friend! Last year decade century millenium, when I was a boy scout, my scoutmaster would would often say "You can always tell the new scouts..." because newbies to the woods had a habit of shining their lights in people's faces to talk to them. Almost unfailingly, "Uncle Milty's" words come to mind when I catch a beam. He was a great man. He patiently put up with so much junk from us kids. Oh, the stories!
But truth be told, I've never worn a headlamp myself. They seem uncomfortable, annoying, and I often times like to wear my dad's Stetson that was given to me after he passed a couple of years ago. ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack_Perkins_(reporter)) That's a photo of him and the hat. Now it rests on my coatrack right by my front door unless I am out in the woods.
I intend on using the low power red ones for close at hand tasks such as finding a certain piece of gear, or dialing in settings on a device or some such. Small enough to hold in my mouth if I need to use two hands. And let's face it, it gets creepy in some places, and light is really comforting. And then I have my throwers, entirely different purpose.
In the Jeep, I hope to be changing out some of the lights to red. Specifically, the really annoying bed light that comes on as soon as you open a door. Instant night vision killer. In fact, that's what got me on the whole red light kick. I have some red rock lights I will install and maybe some interior ambient ones, too. Waiting on some parts for that and other projects.