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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/22/2022 in all areas

  1. It's all about the ratio of heel to ball, and these fall into the human ratio range. Here is a photo of my foot and compare it to the photo of what I believe is a juvenile squatch print. The human ratio is about 1:1.5 and squatches are around 1:1. Those in this trail are too narrow for squatches.
    5 points
  2. Western Washington does not have dangerous snakes. Eastern Washington has biters. Separation of snake habitat is due to the Cascade Mountains and climate. Western Washington has Garter Snakes. They thrive from sea level to thousands of feet of altitude in mountainous areas. The image of the Garter Snake was taken under the forest canopy at over 3,000' above sea level. They are sluggish in dark environments. No teeth but they will 'gum' you.
    2 points
  3. Agreed with some of that. As far as the supernatural part. Doubtful. More likely don't exist in the here and now.
    1 point
  4. You're a living encyclopedia Catmandoo, do you not worry about snakes? or are you somewhere where you don't have to? I have to worry about them.
    1 point
  5. Straight up look like people feet, you can even see archways Probably some hikers or hippies I'm not questioning him as a researcher, but this conclusion is way off mark while being as obvious as it is
    1 point
  6. Well it’s all relative. Beavers make a more elaborate nest than the Olympic project nests. They even make dams. Does this mean Beavers produce cultural artifacts? No. In Anthropology? Scientists are looking for stone tool artifacts. https://humanorigins.si.edu/evidence/behavior/stone-tools I.e. Oldowan, Acheulean, Clovis, etc There is no evidence of Bigfoot making or using stone tools. A uniquely genus Homo trait. Undoubtedly as some form of great ape (which includes humans) it must have some form of tool use. For example Chimps fashion termite sticks to fish for termites. If Bigfoot belongs in the genus Homo? Then it’s a real head scratcher. Because human ancestors have been working stone tools for 2.6 million years. If it’s split with Homo Sapiens was before 2.6 million years ago? It’s not human. It’s a bipedal cousin like Lucy, etc. So Dr. Mayor is biased based on what scientists know about our past. This is the lens she looks through when looking at this mystery. It’s possible that Bigfoot has regressed. Maybe it’s in the genus Homo but has somehow lost the knowledge of making stone tools. Or maybe it’s hand and fingers have adapted for a different purpose. It’s huge by human standards. Maybe that comes into play. Until we have a type specimen to examine? We just don’t know.
    1 point
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