In a country of 330 million people and a world of 8-9 Billion I have no idea how many are even interested in topics such as the Loch Ness Monters, DB cooper, Bigfoot, Amelia Erhart disappearance and so on. Whatever the number, certainly if a Bigfoot was shot today there would be a media frenzy to see it and find out, "What the heck is it?" Take UFO's There was a recent release of a video of a jet pilot who comments about the encounter in real time on a video of their radar screen. What does it mean? I am sure to those who follow the UFO issue it is a big deal. For most other people its a quick interest. Then, not being a smoking gun, the move on and say, "Well if they ever get proof, I'd like to see it, meanwhile, what's for dinner tonight"
I have no idea how many are interested in concept, discussion, or proof of Bigfoot. There are enough people who are to at least give decent ratings to that Nitch market of people via TV shows. Discovery Channel doesn't have shows on proving the Easter Bunny is real. They do have shows similar to Shark Week and specials during November 22 about the JFK assassination.
So where are we in the big picture of things with Bigfoot? I would say it is a low priority or thought by many people. I have no numbers to back it up. I would imagine that very few have taken serious undertaking of the PGF study. Some of this is generational. Some of this is just scientific political pressure where the serious study by serious academics = being label as a non-serious scientist.
Most probably don't care. Many people don't really care about Amelia Erhart. She crashed and died, and they are moving on. But if her plane was found it would be all over the news at least for a day and millions would care deeply short term at least.
I imagine most Americans have a very passive interest in Bigfoot, but it is minimal. The pretty much think it's a hoax, it's possible, or it's real. But really until some proof comes out in an obvious way like a new PGF level video or a body on a slab they will move on to other things. Meanwhile, those who take it up as a bit of a hobby like those on the BFF, will continue to give it some strong attention.
Really, until the earth-shattering discovery of Bigfoot, that is where we are.
Until then, most of America will take interests when there is some new major news to report.