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  1. I just contacted the leader of the expedition and was told that I can share the Sierra gate footage
    2 points
  2. 1 point
  3. Mine had sparkly dayglow green eyes, definitely glow not shine. I also got to witness a set of magnificent cones of white light emanating from one at night. Haven't heard a soul talk about that element since the Cherokee description of Little People and more modern accounts stating it looks like flashlights emanating through the woods. I caught a lot of orbs on digital camera that I could not appreciate live but never saw one moving through the woods.
    1 point
  4. Agreed, @cmknight, your photos are beautiful. Thanks for sharing them here with your forum friends. We have been practicing with a much less exciting telescope...less exciting but still really fun. We went down the looking for constellations rabbit hole the other night and 3 hours zipped by before we even realized it. We are still in practice mode but hope to be taking photos sometime soon once we are able to more reliably find what we are looking for. Thanks again for the photos and the inspiration. Great stuff!
    1 point
  5. Actually, I believed it in the cases of octopi, chameleons, squid, and fireflies before I actually saw it in all their cases with my own eyes (and I have seen them all do what they do), even though I don't fully understand the phenomenon. I've also seen dorado exhibit incredible color change/shimmering after being caught and hauled into a boat. But I don't believe that a mammal can have glowing eyes (although I believe they can exhibit eye shine, which is reflected light), and I need to see glowing eyes in a mammal or read of it from a peer reviewed paper in order to believe it.
    1 point
  6. Think thrice; neither animal glows, ie, produces light. Both produce skin color changes. Notably, neither have eyes alone that glow, and neither are mammals. The only animals I know of that actually produce a glowing light are fireflies and squid. Again, neither have eyes alone that glow (it is their skin or body), and neither are mammals.
    1 point
  7. I have great difficulty in todays world with language, communication, and definitions. I think it's important to have uniform definitions in order to submit and receive the same understanding. Thus a couple of definitions googled up: Glow: v: "give out steady light without flame." n: "a steady radiance of light or heat" Shine: v: "(of the sun or another source of light) give out a bright light." "direct (a flashlight or other light) somewhere in order to see something in the dark." n: "a quality of brightness, especially from reflected light." Based upon those definitions, I don't believe that any known biologic creature has eyes that glow. Only reflective shine is possible.
    1 point
  8. Yes, I didn’t even know about eye glow until we went on the expedition. They explained it to me and I was a little skeptical about it because I’m thinking to myself…how the hell is an animal able to turn on and off it’s glowing eyes. Then I got to thinking about chameleons and octopuses and what they could do. So I didn’t discredit it completely after thinking about that. My wife actually saw the eye glow, which was red and about 8 ft off the ground. She saw them blink a few times and then they disappeared. Someone else saw eye glow that was a greenish/blue color.
    1 point
  9. There were a lot of Orbs floating through the trees, that’s for sure. I knew we were going to be relatively close to the Sierra Camp location where the Sierra sounds were recorded, but I didn’t know we were going to be THAT close. We we’re about ten miles or closer from the Sierra camp location.
    1 point
  10. Thanks guys, really appreciate your posts....Duncan had a heck of a life doing his thing in the woods, I will cherish the memories!
    1 point
  11. Eyeglow, not eye shine. I have heard this more than several times from witnesses. What color was the eyeglow?
    1 point
  12. Oh now we are so curious. Hopefully you’ll be ready soon to share the thing you still don’t believe you saw fully.
    1 point
  13. I'm sorry for your loss, but what an interesting thing to inherit!
    1 point
  14. Great pics and thanks for inspiration, I've an 8" SC- Meade LX10 that needs to be exercised, been too long.
    1 point
  15. I have seen bigfoot. And it looked exactly like the bigfoot that Todd standing recorded with the all black eyes. I was skeptical at first when I saw his pictures, now seeing it first hand..I do believe he is 100% legit.
    1 point
  16. First thing that popped into my head when seeing the picture was the Monty Python "Dead Parrot" skit.......
    1 point
  17. Last weekend, I decided to mix 3 of my favourite activities together, camping, bigfooting, and astronomy. My wife and I headed up a relatively popular FSR (Forest Service Road) that is gated (only members of the local 4WD club have the code). We were hoping to get back to a camping spot we were at 3 years ago, but fell many kilometres short. I put out a recorder (Zoom H4n), but the only sounds we had were a bear that decided to snoop around after I had gone to bed at 2 AM. The weekend wasn't a total loss. I did manage to get some nice photos ...
    1 point
  18. I just watched the footage yesterday actually. I know it is not available for everyone to watch. I don’t believe I am able to share it because of signed NDA’s
    0 points
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