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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/03/2022 in all areas

  1. With no disrespect meant, I 100% disagree. Zooming in shows none of that to me. Frankly I can’t even grasp how you claim to see features such as brows in this picture. I’d personally chalk that up to pareidolia.
    4 points
  2. More people die from Moose than Bear each year. I had a buddy that was treed for hours, the bull would not let him outta the tree and trashed the surrounding forest. A bull Moose is no joke. Either is a cow with calves.
    1 point
  3. The original reviews of the PG film from the late 60's and early 70's documented by qualified scientists were all along the lines of Backdoc; it cannot be confirmed that it was not a hoax, even though if it was a hoax, nobody can figure out how a couple of rodeo yocals from Yakima pulled it off. Since that time we also have had Greg Long's book claiming that it was hoaxed, which has been fully discredited, as well as the Munns Report and several others who have focused on the photography aspect of the film. Instead of proving it to be a hoax, these studies have supported its authenticity. While there have since been several other films and photos, none show the creature so clearly for so long, in motion, and with the documented locational history of sasquatchery that the PG film features. In short, the best film footage is essentially disregarded as valid evidence. This is despite the similar claims that the lunar landings were a hoax, and those claiming such are considered wackos. The analogy is identical. In short, science is relegated to a belief ideology, with the believers/disbelievers both citing "Science" as their foundational basis. I find it more disbelievable that better film footage will either surface or would motivate Science as an industry to act than the possibility that the PG film was hoaxed. Denial, as a psychological reality, is widely accepted by Science, and its hold on this phenomenon is more than obvious. Yet when I cite that, even that is denied. If the PG film is not enough evidence to warrant action, or is not to be even accepted as valid evidence of the existence of sasquatchery, than the lack of a specimen since the advent of modern Science, at least going back to Darwin and his ideology, pretty much confirms that sasquatches don't exist.........or will never be allowed to exist.
    1 point
  4. Then sasquatches simply don't exist.
    1 point
  5. Bull just showed back up. Same one as last winter
    1 point
  6. Going to town today and there was a momma Moose and twins.
    1 point
  7. Well? I’m not going to confuse them with Bears…
    1 point
  8. Here's a pic from yesterday from the Cattail creek that I have posted a few times, and looks like more of them are missing. We've had some rain, so the ground is soft and some interesting impressions. And more Sotol discards on one of the trails leading away from this section of the creek, and with an interesting impression next to it.
    1 point
  9. I think the twigs and leaves are creating pareidolia. I think we're looking at the back of the head as the creature is moving away. Since we can see shoulder slope on the left, I don't think it's a bear.
    1 point
  10. 1 point
  11. Not mine. FB Washington hunting page. Bad luck.
    1 point
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