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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/15/2022 in all areas

  1. American made. I like that! I have a MOLLE holster on the belly band of my pack that holds two extra mags for my G20. But sometimes, I am not wearing my pack if we're not going far. Usually I just tuck it into the back of my pants, which isn't optimal, but it works. I like the modular idea. Just clip the holster to another mount under the dash, under a table, or wherever. Pretty slick! (Do you hear that, Santa?)
    1 point
  2. Good luck on the mule deer! Here is a hunting clip I made that includes my set with the decoy.
    1 point
  3. I believe they're practically indestructible.
    1 point
  4. Todd is anti kill. I don’t like that. Todd tried to get a species recognized without a type specimen. Not very science like. I don’t like that. And then there is the muppet heads…. And then the critics talking about the eyes not blinking. So next is a completely different and better head in which the eyes deliberately blink.🤔 It’s like comparing 1974 Planet of the apes with 2018 Planet of the apes. There is progression in his art. Which isn’t biology.🤷‍♂️ Also, I obviously suck in the woods as I have observed one set of tracks in the woods. The rest is pretty ambiguous. Tree breaks, knocks, hoots, etc. This dude? He is hitting a home run almost every time he goes out. He has Bigfoot running behind trees. He has Bigfoot lowering itself down on a cliff face. He has close ups of their faces. He has video of them rolling boulders and logs at him while growling. He has most plaster casts than most researchers combined. So either he is really really that good? And we are really really that bad? OR? There is more there than meets the eye. Which makes it convenient that he is anti kill. Right? The muppet head is 100 percent a hoax in my eyes. Maybe some of the rest of it is legit? Probably not. Either way? Todd Standing is not dragging one feet first outta the woods. In fact he is committed to stopping that from happening. So I can only draw one conclusion. He wants to perpetuate the mystery. And he muddies the waters of this subject. What’s real? What’s fake? Back to Stroud, I think Les is a stand up guy. I don’t think he is trying to hoax anyone. And I like that while guarded he tried to give Standing a fair shake. He went out and surveyed the ground. Listened to Standing and then did some experimentation on his own. I do not hold anything against Stroud. Albeit he can kinda come off as a woo bush hippie at times. Whatever.
    1 point
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