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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/03/2023 in all areas

  1. Allow me to go into this a little further. Mostly because there are folks that think that Government doesn't care about the Sasquatch and so does nothing about it. My take is nothing could be further from the truth. Agencies care about newts, salamanders, remove fish from a stream like what happened in California before a big fire, go out in winter to track and take eDNA from snow looking for the Canada Lynx, wolves, and other "rare" species. There are animals, birds, fish, reptiles, and amphibians on watch lists and endangered lists, and hunting restrictions on what can be hunted and what cannot. So, YES! Agencies care and are active when monitoring even the smallest creatures all the way up to deer and moose populations as well as Grizzly bears. There is no way that these agencies don't care about a small population of RARE individuals who could be our closest cousins. To not think so makes no sense whatsoever. Decontaminating samples to eliminate Human DNA is standard protocol the world over because Human DNA is everywhere and and anyone anywhere, in whatever lab doing DNA testing knows it. Otherwise every sample that ever came in from a Chimp, Gorilla, Orangutan, monkey, or any other primate would have to be tossed. But even with Human DNA contamination, there should be anomalies and mutations that are primate but not Human in the mix. And that's exactly what Dr. Harts chart showed. And that's what Dave Paulides was getting at in the video you posted. His comment basically said that EVERY DNA sample, of which there must have been hundreds if not thousands over the years, was contaminated with Human DNA?? Every one of them? With the careful decontamination protocols that labs take? I find that outcome of every sample getting tossed for that reason to be impossible. Sure a few, and maybe most could claim that but EVERY one? That's in the realm of the absurd.
    1 point
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