My first encounters with what I presume to be sasquatch were near town, where they could have followed the river (which is all private property) anywhere they please. But I'd say this is RURAL, not urban. I just can't see urban given their reclusive nature and their enormous stature.
But rural homes? THOUSANDS of stories. After all, they were here first. We are probably trespassing on lands they've been on forever (or close enough). It doesn't surprise me that they'd go places where they've always gone...but now, humans have moved into their areas.
If you do an internet search, you can find where Nathan Reo has logged possible bigfoot activity in Utah, right into the cities (Provo?). Seems they are following creeks and wilderness strips/parks/wildlife corridors while possibly hunting in the night. I don't know where this video is, it might be taken down, but it was very clear when he mapped it out what they were doing and why. He showed the maps, logged the type of activity (structure, prints, sightings) and showed where they were coming down from the mountains. And why? Easy meals of deer and critters locked in by neighborhoods, with a quick escape route back to the mountains. Fascinating.