I see similar advice fairly often given. And one's intentions are always good when posting suggestions like this. Anyone looking at these suggested websites or podcasts any personal investigation done by members by following these sources will soon find that their own investigations will, more often than not, only progress as far as the very sources they are clicking on. And nearly ALL of those sources, as far as I can tell, are endemic in that they all hit a wall, i.e. dead end, and so anyone looking for true answers will only end up hitting that very same wall. And get stopped cold.
We should be looking at ways to either go over the wall or bust through it, otherwise progress toward truth and discovery will keep everyone snared in an endless loop relying on "experts" to do the heavy lifting. So far that has resulted in zero where something as relatively simple as proof of existence seems to take a left turn. The obvious pattern here is to stop short. So I ask you, is there really and truly a good reason for that kind of pattern of always stopping short to even still exist in this community? There IS an answer to that question: Yes, because we put up with it, and in most cases even support the people responsible for that pattern.