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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/05/2023 in all areas

  1. Nice pix and exploring, @entropy! Very pretty asterisk/structure!
    1 point
  2. If the supposed head of the creature is in fact a bear cub? A bear facing away usually shows tell tale signs of a head or ears. So that’s why I question what’s going on with the supposed adult bear. I think it’s all the same animal personally.
    1 point
  3. E Coast S of ME is loaded with drama royalty:)
    1 point
  4. So, last summer I had some personal business in NW Ohio and used Cambridge, OH as a stopover point, which is the closest town to Salt Fork State Park. I summarized my field trip findings and posted some interesting pics in a prior post linked here: Salt Fork Summer '22 Trip Summary . I made the same trip a few weeks ago in mid-January. Originally was going to do an dusk/evening hike but arrived later than expected and it was pitch black, freezing, and wet. I geared up appropriately and put on a headlamp, but decided the better part of valor was discretion and just tooled around a bit at the beginning of the Morgan's Knob Trail (the pine forest part, if anyone's been to it before). I then left the trail and drove off the beaten path on some of the gravel roads in the park to see if I might get lucky with a sighting, but no dice. Absolutely beautiful stargazing, though. The next day in the late morning I made it out for some hiking. I went to check out the area where I'd seen what I suspected was a tree structure on my prior trip and was pleased to see it was still there, unchanged (pics 2 and 3 below). More interesting than that, though, was the trio of pushed-over trees I noticed on my hike out to the tree structure (pic 1 below). They looked a bit odd b/c no other trees around them were pushed over or had fallen over, and it seemed the three were intentionally pushed over in the same direction. Not sure it's significant, but it did look interesting, and I'm curious to know what others think. Anyway, after my hike, I did a few more short walks, and then drove in a loop on some of the gravel roads in the park. Came upon a pickup truck with some bigfoot stickers on it, and stopped to have a nice chat with a fellow 'squatcher named Wayne who had driven down from PA. I gave him some tips on the known hotspots in the park, and we showed each other photos of tree structures we both had come across. His was from North Georgia and wasn't too different in appearance (kind of an asterisk shape) in the one I'd found at Salt Fork. I'd heard on a recent Bigfoot Eyewitness Radio podcast that the asterisk-shaped structures supposedly commemorate a birth.
    1 point
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