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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/11/2023 in all areas

  1. My first sasquatch "encounter" was in the mid coast range of Oregon in the mid 1970's. It involved naked butt prints, hand and forearm print and heel prints. The prints were gigantic. Based on what I saw in the damp earth, on that big timbered steep hillside, I would say that these casts look like what I saw on that day. I think that these casts may be the real deal. I know that the chances of the prints I saw of being hoaxed is pretty much zero.
    3 points
  2. As seen at the North American Bigfoot Center....I've asked Cliff Barackman to make copies like they do for feet and handprints. It would be worth the concussion my wife would give me to hang this on the living room wall as a conversation starter. I'm guessing this is a copy of the one Paul freeman casted by Walla Walla at Dry Creek in 1993. Not the same as the lady on the video link. Similar but different.
    1 point
  3. It's all interesting and found myself invested in the evidence, but if a BF was seen sitting and we knew for certain it was a BF would've made the evidence more compelling, to me anyway.
    1 point
  4. Dang! Ever since I was snuck up on by a polar bear when I was a zookeeper, there was a fence between us, but imagine turning back to its enclosure, yer face maybe 8-10" from the fence only to have your entire field of view filled with white fur, then looking up to see the bear with its front paws at the top of the10' fence, it looking down with a " this close to lunch, monkey, this close" look on its bear face, I've had a deep respect for bears, what they can do, and just how sneaky they can be when they put their minds to it! Nearly had a heart attack right there! It crossed its rear enclosure silently in about 2-3 seconds over 50-85'!! But a big black bear could mess a fella up too! I've ran into them in the foothills of the San Gabriel mtns, and a couple of those I steered wide of to be sure!
    1 point
  5. My personal opinion isn't one people who ask such questions usually want to hear .. so .. you've been warned. I think Todd Standing is a straight-up hoaxer. I have not seen anything even vaguely legitimate with his stamp on it. My .. suspicion .. is that at some point long ago he had an authentic "thing" happen but was unable to substantiate it so he did the unthinkable: he tried to manufacture the evidence he could not otherwise produce and he got caught at it. It is too late for him. There is nothing he can do, ever, that won't tainted by his past hoaxes. Worse, any other researcher who is seen with him is tainted as well .. brings their judgement into doubt. MIB
    1 point
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