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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/31/2023 in all areas

  1. Originally from New England, I now live in the UK. I had a face to face encounter in 1984. I did not know much about Sasquatch at that time other than the 'name'. To say that meeting this huge creature at almost arm's length was life-altering is an understatement. I have been watching the landscape of the US change drastically over the last 20 years, so much woodland has been razed, and I find loss of habitat very concerning. I have recently begun reading others' accounts of encounters and find many similarities, but also some differences from my own experience. I look forward to reading the forum threads and meeting with other people of like mind.
    1 point
  2. Hi all I am usually a lurker and rarely visit these days but I came across this PDF I have never seen on the forum and wanted to share. A 400+ page document on reported sasquatch behaviors, from the book “The De Facto Sasquatch” By Bobbie Short 5499584_thedefactoSasquatch-Behaviors.pdf
    1 point
  3. If anyone has any other sort of unknown, condensed files on sasquatch behavior I would be extremely open to receiving them!
    1 point
  4. This is about Todd of course, but I'm not having quite as many issues as I do with that Tom Biscardi dude. Someone even told me once that he gets paid to discredit and crap in the Bigfoot pool, I've heard crazier things.
    0 points
  5. I know which one you're talking about BTex- here's a link, and I totally agree this is some of his best video evidence. https://youtu.be/bjj40k4zcAo
    -1 points
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