May The 4th be with all y'all!
I'm Michael from the USA. I have lurked here off and on for some time now. I'm an avid camper and follow the ultralight way of camping/hiking. I just enjoy the forest no matter what. Over the past few years I've unexpectedly - and later on expectedly - camped in areas where these critters live at. My first encounter was in the AM off trail where my daughter and I had something on 2 legs approach from a ways off, pace around our tent (I was petrified because no one would know where we were at), and leave. Then it came back as the sun was rising. Another time I seen one with blue-white color eyes reflecting the firelight and another with amber or orange colored eyes that same night. We were thinking it could have been a family group checking us out, and I am ashamed in a way to admit I had a light in my hand but never thought to shine it over there! I've several reports I've written in order to document things before I forget details and misremember how things went. I've come to realize that they seem very curious about who is in their forest and what we are doing and seem to test your awareness, attention, and feel you out before they may come closer.
I've always been a believer since a little kid. But never, ever thought I'd end up somewhere around them. Thanks for reading and glad to be among knowers, believers, and skeptics.