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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/12/2023 in all areas

  1. Does anyone have any recent proof of the Sasquatch's existence that they could post? Does anyone have any opinions on what the creature, if extant, could be that wasn't already mentioned 50 years ago? Anything to move the stuck needle at all? Anything better than the PGF? Anything better than the 200 plus footprint casts that Dr. Jeffrey Meldrum has? Anything better than Cindy Dosen's hair sample collection? Anything better than the DNA studies that have been done to date? Sure would like to see it, any of it, if anyone would like to share what they have to help the Sasquatch community move its needle even a small fraction from where it is now. What about those nest structures in Washington State? Still there? Any new ones since the last find back in February 2020? Any fresh DNA samples taken from the area that won't get put onto the back burner for a year and a half? Or untested due to labs being too busy with Covid 19 research like back in 2020? Any new water samples taken from the salmon stream headwaters below the nest site's finger ridges to test? Or are these questions not as important or, depending on the level of interest, more important to discovery and proof than photos? I keep waiting for this Forum to get serious but have yet to see much beyond ignoring the things that could honestly solve the relative blankness within the subject. I do see new members come on board and question where this Forum is at and so this isn't just me. The only difference is someone new might posit such a question after being here a short time, while I've been here for nearly ten years and am asking the exact same thing. Yes! This is a discussion Forum but that isn't the point nor is it the issue. The issue is what gets discussed and most of it isn't about Sasquatch OR discovery. The sad part is everyone here, including the long-timers, know what will move the needle but for some odd reason stay with the things they know won't. Could someone perhaps please walk me through why that is? Because, personally, I think discussing methods that will move the needle are okay to discuss. Then again, maybe not? IDK. Any insights on the reason for the chronic stagnation here, believe me, would be appreciated,
    2 points
  2. Why les Stroud chose to work him is beyond me.......
    1 point
  3. My personal opinion isn't one people who ask such questions usually want to hear .. so .. you've been warned. I think Todd Standing is a straight-up hoaxer. I have not seen anything even vaguely legitimate with his stamp on it. My .. suspicion .. is that at some point long ago he had an authentic "thing" happen but was unable to substantiate it so he did the unthinkable: he tried to manufacture the evidence he could not otherwise produce and he got caught at it. It is too late for him. There is nothing he can do, ever, that won't tainted by his past hoaxes. Worse, any other researcher who is seen with him is tainted as well .. brings their judgement into doubt. MIB
    1 point
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