It doesn't work that way, otherwise Denisovan or any other determined ancient Human branch wouldn't get categorized as Human. And rather than go down that hypothetical rabbit hole let's look at it this way, ancient fauna's DNA, no matter the animal, has been sequenced relatively well without turning a Human into a Chimp or anything else. Or turning a Chimp into a Human. It makes me curious how degraded or not degraded that supposed Chimp DNA was when Dr. Mayor found it. Or how degraded or not degraded any Human DNA that was there had been and why it wasn't somehow confused with Chimp? Because that kind of genus swap or overlap, like what you're describing, doesn't happen. Sure, we share DNA with lots of things, that's Nature, but for science species distinction (identification) has been fine tuned so precisely that a creature's identifying genus DNA will always be that creature's genus DNA.
The nest soil's genus Homo DNA will never be anything but genus Homo DNA no matter how old or degraded. And since it was the only reported primate DNA picked up in the samples what is one supposed to think about the Sasquatch if in fact it was the builder? Because like I said, if the Sasquatch wasn't the builder then the only other candidates are Humans- which, as stated, would be a whole other story in and of itself. Again, bottom line, no non-Human primate DNA was detected. But I'm the only one that I know of that has brought out the glaring more precise conclusions and obvious implications of those test results. To me there is no other avenue to pursue on those nest structures outside of Human.......or novel Human. I have not heard of any of our esteemed PhD's step up and clarify that for the general believing public which, of course left "intelligent ape" not only on the table but in our imaginations as well.
This whole issue regarding the Olympic Peninsula nest builders, i.e. not apes but instead Humans or novel Humans, should have been settled years ago. Why wasn't it?