One of the main reasons why I joined the board here a week or two back (aside from the interesting stories and conversation that i've been privileged to read and take part in) was to get an insight from
individuals going out into the field with regards to what has been tried, in terms of autonomous detection (i.e. cameras, microphones, etc..) to capture information on the presence of "bigfoot".
By trade, I am electrical engineer/mixed-signal electronics designer, and in the past I've done work with low-power remote sensing apparatus (devices that go into the feild to detect various "things", and then in the
presence of certain stimuli report back the associated data over cell network (typically)).
In the past year or so, I've become convinced that there is something to this "phenomenon", but what has stumped me has been the lack of ability to gain any useful information via game cameras given their ubiquity
in this field of research. There is much speculation as to why; however, I want to know what considerations need to be made to the development of instruments given what is already known for the detection of a
If the sasquatch is real and indeed does exist, then it must be possible to pick up it's presence via signatures that can be found in the environment it exists within.
So say it's camera shy? that's fine, what about unique ground-vibration patterns that are produced as a result of it's being the only bipedal animal in the woods that
weighs far more than an average human being? just a single suggestion as it's common and has been done for people tracking for quite some time.
what I want to know is what ideas anyone may have based on their experience, or what short comings they believe existing "fauna" detection devices have that prevent them
from gathering any information on a sasquatch.
with the emergence of satellite based IOT communication devices that are pretty new to the market (,
could a battery powered device (or devices) be placed in remote areas with low power consumption capable of cellular (or satellite) transmission that could detect associated "bigfoot phenomenon"?
what would such devices be detecting and reporting back?
Any and all suggestions or insight on this matter would be tremendously appreciated.