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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/21/2023 in all areas

  1. So basically no. You have no experience interacting with people who are suffering from mental health issues and/or substance abuse issues. Nor have you even seen the behavior in the video that I observed which led to my concern for Mr. Fay's well-being. I don't know why you are so triggered by the presentation of concern that he was not well. I did not state that I hated Bobo, or disliked Bobo, or thought he was a bad person. In fact I stated the opposite. I was concerned for a TV personality that I do not know, but thought was a good guy and would like to hang out with who was exhibiting signs of mental and physical health issues. Yet you chose to attack my observations without even witnessing what they were based upon, then try to gaslight me for airing concerns on a Bigfoot forum regarding the condition of one of the most famous Bigfoot personalities? Be better, indeed.
    1 point
  2. I couldn't care less what your history is in law enforcement if i tried, but you're wrong for what you're saying there and this isn't the right place to air your assumptions about someone's personal health publicly, irrespective of what you did in the past. Be better.
    1 point
  3. That girlfriend passed away today :(
    0 points
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