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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/22/2023 in all areas

  1. If you listen to the B&B podcast, every so often you hear that Bobo can't make the recording as he is undergoing hypobaric treatments, lost the weight as his health wasn't the best and he needs to be fitter, and that he has several documentary projects in the works. All of that can have a tiring effect on a person. Frankly, his medical condition is no more yours or mine's business than ours in his. It's a sad side effect of celebrity that when one is overweight, he is kidded and criticized for it and when they lose weight the assumption is they are sick, a tweeker, or both. I wish him well as I think he is a good dude and is going to be bringing us some fresh Bigfoot related material fairly soon.
    1 point
  2. PNWexplorer asked a question. And when one wasn’t received? He speculated.🤷‍♂️ Correct me if I am wrong, he isn’t doing it to character assassinate Bobo…. He plainly stated he liked him and was his favorite on “Finding Bigfoot”. MIB states that while he cannot say what’s wrong it’s not drugs or mental health, but won’t say exactly what it is. Ok so now we are speculating again. Is it Parkinson’s disease? Is it CTE? I lost my balance from 2 pinched spots on my spinal column from an old football injury. Had two artificial discs put in my neck. It’s gotten better. Bobo is a big guy? Maybe he played football as well? Whatever is afflicting Bobo? I wish him well. No he does not look healthy or the Bobo of old. But if he wants privacy I can respect that as well. I guess I am pretty loose with the board and my own health struggles.
    1 point
  3. I couldn't care less what your history is in law enforcement if i tried, but you're wrong for what you're saying there and this isn't the right place to air your assumptions about someone's personal health publicly, irrespective of what you did in the past. Be better.
    1 point
  4. I know my cat, Jolly, sees things I can't. He'll be stretched out seemingly asleep on his tower or a piece of furniture and the next second he's up with his ears perked up and focused on something outside like a missile tracking radar. It's a real "Sixth Sense" vibe; I wonder if he's thinking "I see dead voles!"
    1 point
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