When many early American bigfoot reports began to emerge in the 1700's and credible people reported then bigfoot slowly became a fact. Credibility occurred. Do we know if Daniel Boone's early American bigfoot story is true. Was he known to spin yarns?
This wild Bigfoot story starts with a bigfoot that attacked Daniel's son in a remote forest according to the Wisconsin Historical Society. It sounds like Daniel's son got off two shots with a single shot muzzle loader gun that makes no sense. It shoots one shot at a time. The huge bigfoot fell on Daniel's son and stopped his breathing.
Read the rest and what's your opinion? Does this add evidence to the existence of bigfoot? What about bigfoots rib cage? Do you believe the incident happened?
Draper Manuscripts: Daniel Boone Papers, 1760-1911, Series C, Wisconsin Historical Society (Madison, Wisconsin)
Boone Myth
Kentucky Trip
Last Years
1817 BOONEMYTH HUNTING Buckner Payne to LCD, Nashville, 1/?/1876 6: <I immediately ran up & jerked him off to find my son senseless & not breathing. I immediately made every effort for his restoration to life. It seemed to me more than an hour before he breathed. He finaly came to & after using watter freely from my canteen I so far recovered him as to set him up against the tree; & was glad to find no bones broken. In about an hour more he stood up & talked. I asked him where he had aimed to strike the giant. He said he had aimed to hit him in the hart both shots. The giant was naked. I turned him over on his back & found boath of the bullet holes neer the left niple & about two inches apart but neather of them had entered the body but had passed round & came out at the back. I then passed my finger into each of the holes & found the giant had no ribs, but sollid bone about 3/4 of an inch thick which I found out by cutting through the bone with my tomihalk. My own shot struck him in the left eye which was fortunate. The giant was not an indian, for he was a pale yellow with long yellowish hair & not black as is common amonge indians. His body was likewise covered with short hair not very thick. His teeth war all naturally grown together in his head with rather small eyes & nose with very large feet & hands. We then stretched him out & laid [?] a suple jack [a walking stick?] nine [feet?] & we measured his length & in measuring it with my hands I found that he was at least 10 1/2 feet high. My son then got another suple jack & we then made another measurment. One of theas was carried by my son & me by my self to boonsborrough where we measured them by the squar's when we found the height to be 10 feet 8 inches. This is the story of the giant as given me by Col. Boone. I asked if he had ever herd of any such among the indiands & what they knew about them if any thing. He said they had a tradition of giant men & giant beast; but that the Grate Spirit had kill them all some where on the osage river Mo but that he had never credited it.> 16C26
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