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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/14/2023 in all areas

  1. I got back into this same valley today, Nov. 13, with a rifle and shotgun, looking for deer, bear, and grouse to shoot, or large hairy bipeds to admire and photograph. No luck with any of those, not even tracks or scat. It was still an adventure, though, because I learned a new thing about my H3 today. Under certain circumstances, limp mode can be reset by simply turning the engine off and restarting. I was 30 km off pavement, going through many cross ditches, when I entered one that was just a bit too steep on the entry side, and high centered the truck, hanging up on the frame just behind the front wheels. I figured it would be no problem to back out of it, I just switched to 4L and hit the rear locker button, and tried to inch backwards. There was too much drag on the frame to allow the rear wheels enough traction to do that, so my only option was to push on through the ditch, turn around, and send it through the other way to get out. That worked, but almost launched my passenger through the sun roof, and triggered a traction system fault, which put the truck in limp mode. I was reluctant to shut the thing off, being so far off the pavement, in case it wouldn't restart while in reduced power, so I opted to drive it all the way out before trying that. Once I was back out to the highway, I pulled into a parking lot, and shut it off, knowing I could call BCAA to come there if it didn't run. Thankfully it started right up, and was no longer in low power mode, so I was able to drive home at normal speed. Lessons learned!
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