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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/03/2024 in all areas

  1. Would a photo do, or does it have to be a carcass?
    1 point
  2. I for one would applaud any person that provides proof. Unfortunately videos are not proof.
    1 point
  3. Yaaah. We have never seen any proof of that either….
    1 point
  4. Well you're a pretty tough ol' bird. If the Sasquatches were around you'd probably beat them silly and then make them load the wood boxes,
    1 point
  5. The thread pretty much ran its course without a finding so didn't see a reason for leaving them up. I'll put them up as you have requested but, again, I won't leave them long. No real good reason too. They are mine and copyrighted as such so, please, they do not belong on social media platforms of any kind. I would appreciate it if everyone has, or would, respect that, thanks. When I uploaded them I did it months after they were captured. Mainly because as we know photos aren't proof so I hesitated. It was only after I reached the point where I could go no further with them that I brought them here for other opinions. And also as I said, I don't know what the anomaly is, I only know what it isn't.
    1 point
  6. Yeah, but it's always fun to look at and dream. It's like pornography, but moral. Hey, the ride isn't over! I haven't even got to the point where my tummy is upset and I need to puke. Let this carnival ride play out for those of us who need entertainment. It's -20 outside. I don't want to go out in that to play.
    1 point
  7. I really don't know what all the fuss is about here. We all know that photo/video isn't proof. Never has been, never will be. Proof can only be attained through verified physical evidence. So just relax, smile, nod your heads, stop being so gullible (again), thank Lokee for the ride, and move on.
    1 point
  8. I"m about ready to release footage but am waiting for an opportunity to get one more shot at it. I've got a bigfoot patterned and will need to use an old fashioned 35mm camera vs. digital . be patient
    1 point
  9. If you are on an iOS platform (and have the iPhone 15) you have access to a Lidar scanner. I am cheap (and my iPhone 11 works fine) so can't vouch for personal experience but I've watched friends scan coyote and fox tracks. The tracks are pretty small but it was neat to see the definition of the foot pads in the scans. There is also a free Lidar scanning app that can be downloaded - its catch is that to save a scan you have to pay 99 cents. Certainly worth it for a marvelous print find...but I suspect one would need to do some fiddling around to get good at using the app. Polycam has a pretty good reputation amongst my woods-tromping friends.
    1 point
  10. I've spent a lot of time going through the past threads on this site and have noticed that Bigfooters can be an extremely jealous bunch if another Bigfooter presents proof. If it's NOT "your" Bigfoot, is another's Bigfoot not legit? It's quite apparent that anger festers on here time to time, with some members boiling over and seemingly ready to maim, destroy and kill. Not sure I'd want to be physically in reach of some of you for fear of violence. It's no wonder the BF community CANNOT come together!
    0 points
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